Rijnbeek Excellent Plant

We are pleased to work with Lensli. The substrate ensures that we can achieve our goals.”

Edwin Rijnbeek is the owner and cultivation manager of Rijnbeek Excellent Plant. Rijnbeek has been active in the production of specific plant species for almost 80 years. The company has a total of 10 hectares of nursery, of which 5 hectares are under glass.

Rijnbeek supplies Clematis Armandii (evergreen) in 3 cultivars, Acer Palmatum in 20 cultivars (all bred) and Cedrus Atlantica Glauca to garden centers, supermarkets, DIY stores, web shops and fellow tree nurseries at home and abroad.

Rijnbeek Excellent Plant grows the plant itself from start to finish. Over the years they have switched from partial cultivation in the ground to potting to a larger size. This has ensured that their employees can work more pleasantly and more easily, allowing them to achieve better cultivation results.

“We have been working with Lensli in a very pleasant way since 2017. We ended up at Mart Slingerland through our cultivation advisor and he advised us to make a change to our substrate, so that we need to fertilize less.”

Rijnbeek Excellent Plant works with its own substrate consisting of rice husks for Clematis Armandii and wood fiber for Acer Palmatum and Cedrus Atlantica Glauca. “Our goal for the future is to continue to supply high-quality plants, so that our good name will be preserved well into the future and our plants can be found worldwide.”

For more information about Rijnbeek Excellent plant, visit www.rijnbeek.nl.