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Knowledge Base - Saprotrophic Fungi


We have a long history and over 115 years of expertise and market knowledge in the field of substrates, research and innovation. In our new section 'Did you know that….?' we regularly inform you about practical situations that we encounter in the sector, we tell you about insights obtained in practice, we give you cultivation tips and we share our knowledge about all other interesting substrate-related matters.

We have collected all these topics for you in our knowledge base and you can consult all knowledge articles.

This week's topic is “Saprotrophic Fungi”.

fungi; they are everywhere. We cannot do without them, but production crops sometimes suffer from them. The pathogenic fungi (plant pathogen) and the non-pathogenic fungi (saprophyte) are always present to a greater or lesser extent at the nursery and therefore also in the substrate.

Do you ever come across fungi or mushrooms in the substrate and do you want to know what you can do about it?  

Read all about this on our knowledge base on the website: Saprotrophic Fungi

Do you want to know more about this subject, do you need a sparring partner or do you have another substantive question? Then contact us.

We are happy to serve you and are happy to assist you with our knowledge and experience.

Have Fun Growing!